Site Privacy Statement

This is not a secure server, no web server is. Therefore the minimum information about you will be collected.

Source ip-address logging

Personal Information

This site itself will at most request from you a valid email address, and a userid and password that you will be asked to chose should you want to register for extra features on the site. That information will never be made public.

Additional services provided on the site such as the bugzilla application and wordpress instances are the standard open source packages withtheir own logon requirements which may or may not contain additional local or external logging and security vulnerabilities, you must consider all information entered into those applications if you use them as public information; so do not use email addresses that are important to you as this site will make no additional attempt to secure data entered into those.

In a quick summary for the privacy statement

By using the services provided on this site you agree that any information you may enter is publicly available, and that this site is not obligated to keep any of the information confidential.