Downloads Available on this site or from GitHub

As there are downloads available for multiple platforms stored on this site they have been split out into seperate sections.

Additional Resources

There are also some online tutorials available on this site you may be interested in. Some of them have been 'ported' to PDF files for download if you wish to have them available offline.

The tutorials are at your own risk, they are not guaranteed to be error-free as I've never had these proof-read.

Problem Reporting

If you find an issue with any of the programs here you should just drop a quick message into the site quick comment form to let me know of the issue. Alternately if you have time to create an account in the bugzilla database implemented here you can file a bug report so I can look into it.

The difference between the two methods are that checking for the existence of new comments is monitored by one of my customised nrpe plugins for nagios so I will see it quickly, however as this website does not intend to track users all information relating to comments is deleted as soon as the comment is replied to and closed as complete. Creating a local bugzilla account and raising a new problem are permanently recorded activities, and not actively monitored so it could be months before I see it, so if using the later also use the quick comment form to let me know an issue has been raised.