Software Terms and Conditions

As a general rule, unless there is an explicit disclaimer on a particular download page, all software available from this site is free to use as long as it is never included in a comercial package; including preconfigured software as part of an equiptment sale (added as some of my 'beta' freeware stuff started showing up on bulletain boards after my dev machine went in for a hardware repair)

All software available on this site is used at your own risk. These programs are provided as free software without any warantee or support. The software author is not liable for any damages or costs caused by use of this software.

My Linux Software

All Linux software will come with the source, at this stage it is all intended to be made available under the GPL V2 license.

My Windows Software

The Windows applications are primarily shipped as binaries only. Source is available on request if I can find it (these are old programs, you'll need the old dos 486 masm and delphi 5 or earlier to use it). The binary applications can be distributed as long as they are never incorporated into any commercial package, most of the delphi stuff was written under the personal development license and can never be charged for. Any redistribution of the binaries must credit Mark Dickinson as the origional author. If the source is requested, you may not redistribute it.

Tandem Source Code

The Tandem software is available for your own use. It is nothing someone with a bit of time and effort couldn't write themselves if they are willing to read the manuals.

MVS 3.8J

MVS 3.8J utilities are freely available to anyone who uses the hercules emulator to run MVS 3.8J. Certainly I have got a lot of usefull software and help from that community, they are welcome to take and modify/improve anything I have available here. However the software here and any software based upon it must always remain freely available to anyone that wants it no matter how major any modifications you make to it are. Thats pretty much how I read the stuff I have based many of my programs on so follow suit.