Category Archives: Home Life

Whats happening in my personal life

Jellyfin media server, and using remote disks

Have I mentioned I have discovered Jellyfin ? Everyone wants their own home media server to avoid having to locate that elusive DVD you want to watch again, which may have degraded to the point it is unwatchable anyway so … Continue reading

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Been a long while since I posted anything, the real world has been keeping me too busy. But here are a few things that have been irritating me lately. Will hackers ever go away There was an article on the … Continue reading

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Looks like Google is breaking the rules

It would appear I am blocking Google from indexing my site, at least until they fix their robot indexers to perform as documented. The documentation at, url thoughtfully provided in the user agent string, clearly says Googlebot and all … Continue reading

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OpenStack – Playing with heat patterns

My attempts to figure out OpenStack are happily producing more headaches for me. This is still on tha Matika release. I have temporarily suspended my attempts to get migration between compute nodes working as I have been sidetracked by heat … Continue reading

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F24 to F25 upgrade notes

Fedora 25 released, most things seem to work apart from… My target environment was my main test machine, intel x64 with 8 cores and 32Gb of memory and LUKS encrypted disks; and a lot of KVM VMs on it. But … Continue reading

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Future personal posts have moved

This blog was getting rather full of personal posts when it should be filled with rambling thoughts on technology or software I was playing with, or complaining about. So I have created a new blog under my personal section on … Continue reading

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Cheap EPUB Publishing possibilities

Well I got a new play phone to do android development with, but thats a long term activity and the smartphone will probably remain in it’s box for a long while yet; as for day-to-day use I still use my … Continue reading

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Can you ever have too many PCs ?

I think I need a cleanup. I have just counted seven (7) powered off PCs, four (4) powered on PCs and one (1) powered on laptop and one (1) powered off laptop. I’m not counting the work laptop I have … Continue reading

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Sam my cat isn’t too well

He was fighting again. Off to the vet for surgery. He was not impressed with having to wear that plastic cone to stop him scratching at the stitches in his face. He actually managed to get it off before I … Continue reading

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Went To Armageddon WN 2015

Went on the last day again, when they are slashing prices desperate to sell all the leftover stuff. They were not quite so desperate this year. But even though I have just recieved in my mailbox 120 b-grade sci-fi movies … Continue reading

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