Monthly Archives: June 2014
Installing webacula on Fedora core 20
This guide is for Fedora core 20 only. The start of course is the “yum -y install webacula”. Do that first. That will amongst other things place an install guide /usr/share/doc/webacula/docs/INSTALL, I skimmed it to find the minimum steps needed … Continue reading
Dynamic Disk Allocation in MVS3.8J using SVC 99
What I wanted to achieve was from within a S/370 assembler program dynamically allocate a DASD device, similar to the JCL statement //DDNAME DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=dddd,VOL=SER=vvvvvv To re-inforce that I wanted to dynamically allocate a DASD device, not a dataset. The … Continue reading
Children running around in bare feet, or myself
Ok, I don’t have any children. But I was one once. And I still run around the house in bare feet. I was reminded yesterday of something any child could have told me however. Namely that if you run around … Continue reading
Went to the Armageddon Expo
Amazing the number of beautifull young women wearing really revealing costumes that are happy to pose for photographs. And of course those in good costumes that are not revealing are happy to pose as well so had to take some … Continue reading