Category Archives: MVS3.8J

For MVS enthusiests

For Turnkey3 users, there is now a TK4- available

Another updated version of Tunkey3 called TK4- is floating about on the internet. The primary site seems to be It is not the long awaited Turnkey4 but a version of Turnkey3 with a lot of connectivity enhancements implemented. The … Continue reading

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Using Diagnose 8 to issue hercules commands from Turnkey3 MVS3.8J

One of the things any Turnkey3 users eventually asks is how to issue hercules commands from the MVS3.8J guest OS, primarily to mount tapes. Generally asked by those users like me that have automated the environment startup to the point … Continue reading

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Implementing custom display commands in MVS3.8J (OS/VS2)

I let this slide since october last year, but have started looking into it again. As I noted in an earlier post IEE3503D seemed the most likely candidate, and that was a correct guess. CBT tape 486 file 887 has … Continue reading

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mvs3.8j and using smp4 to locate where a OS module is used

In trying to make modifications to some of the supplied operating code I was finding it quite frustrating going through the source code trying to guess which FMID I needed to apply module changes to. In many cases I was … Continue reading

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Created an OpenStack image for mvs3.8j

Of interest to mvs3.8j hobbiests, probably not unless they want to run it on an OpenStack cloud; which they would probably need to be running at home as rackspace does not allow custom images installed. Ok, to be truthful it … Continue reading

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An update on the previous post

My intent is to create new console display commands. As MVS3.8J predates the ability to define new commands in the mpflist (actually it predates the mpflist the only option is to modify the appropriate source files for the operating system. … Continue reading

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Oops, and where is the damb console command code

In the MVS3.8J section; if you don’t play with that move along. The Oops was the number macro library I posted on the website in the mvs38j section yesterday was buggy; the main issue was there was a character 2 … Continue reading

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More MVS3.8J control blocks – Job Step control blocks

Well this was a real pain to work out. There are lots of hits on google on how to find the completion code of prior steps in later mvs releases using the SWAREQ macro… but that macro does not exist … Continue reading

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Dynamic Disk Allocation in MVS3.8J using SVC 99

What I wanted to achieve was from within a S/370 assembler program dynamically allocate a DASD device, similar to the JCL statement //DDNAME DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=dddd,VOL=SER=vvvvvv To re-inforce that I wanted to dynamically allocate a DASD device, not a dataset. The … Continue reading

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Multiple timers for mvs3.8J and more

Got my EVENTHUB macro working (well stable) at last to make MVS3.8J assembler coding a little easier. One simple macro (well almost 1000 lines now, but for a user to use a simple macro interface) to pretty much let a … Continue reading

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