Tandem Source Files Available

SPLSCAN - My Spool Scan

Actually, this is very usefull. It will scan all reports in the spooler searching for a specific string match. You can scan through all jobs on the spooler you have access to, or just jobs at a specific location you have access to. The output is a list of all jobs that match the string being searched for and the date they were created on the spooler.

Obviously this follows the Tandem spooler security model, if you run it under a personal userid it will only scan the jobs you own so is relatively quick, if you run it under a super userid it will scan all jobs on the spooler and take a while (not to mention take a lot of cpu time).

This was written for a sysprog I worked with, who had the unenviable task of trying to find a specific report on the spooler at a site where the developers had for some stupid reason decided to write all reports (requardless of report type) to exactly the same spooler location. Presumably because nobody read them but one day somebody wanted one and of course the problem record comes to the sysprogs rather than the developers.
Program was written/tested in about three hours so probably not the prettiest code

You may view or download the source code.


You must provide the spooler supervisor name as the IN file, many sites run more than one spooler supervisor so it must be changeable.

The SPLSCAN program is free for anyone to download and customise for their own use, as long as it is never included in a commercial package (simply because I don't want someone saying five years from now I can no longer distribute this because they have made it part of a commercial tooolkit).