Mark Dickinsons Home Inventory Manager, Freeware Release

Freeware : This application is provided free of charge. It is only available as a download.

Product Purpose

This is used to keep track of household perishables such as food and lightbulbs.

This was designed from a batchelours viewpoint, it doesn't care about nnn grams of whatever used for a recipe. It's designed for whole objects, like a jar of yeast, or a pizza etc.
You enter the items you are interested in, a minimum level (customisable at an item level of course, you may want a minimum of four spare lightbulbs but only one spare bottle of olive oil); and then as long as you remember to update it every time you actually use an entire item you will know what you need.

To add an items you must first create supplier records, and then add the items you would purchase from that supplier.
It will on request print a shopping list of items that need to be repurchased, and an approximate cost of the entire shopping list. This is where it uses the supplier information as it will produce the list of items to buy in under supplier headings, so you know what shop you have to get things from as well as the items.

The main screen itself will highlight items that have fallen below the minimum amount needed (and that need to be repurchased) with a '<<==' to the right of the item as shown below.
The INC and DEC buttons were added for convenience show you can quickly and easily change the totals of a highlighted entry when you use or buy something, I got sick of having to pull up the item editing box to change the number.

Screenshot of inventory program

And I think I had better convert this to a webapp and start using something like this again myself, because my pantry is now full of 20 tins of everything; I stopped using it simply because it's a windows program (and I have no windows machines anymore and don't miss them) so it needs microsoft fonts not available under linux so this program looks bad (and really unusable because of that) under wine without the microsoft mstfonts I refuse to install... but now I have remembered this I certainly need something like this again; time for another webapp I think... watch this space (but not too often, sooo much to do at the moment).

To save you going back to the download page again, if you want it the its available here for windows users.