Source code available for download for MVS3.8J systems

This is mainly the software I have written to make my life easier when using hercules and MVS 3.8J for my own system(s) at home. All have been run under Turnkey3 and TK4- distributions.
At the end of this page I include software I did not write but that I have modified to run under the older MVS3.8J operating system.

The downloads available from this page may contain unstable 'enhancements in progress' versions, apart from possibly not working as expected don't expect documentation to be up to date on these copies unless I'm getting ready to push a new stable version to github. Stable versions of key files and utilities are on GitHub but the latest enhancements and any bugfixes will appear here before the appear on github.

I am making major changes to the source code here (in place without testing) to insert unique message numbers into iWTOs for all the important programs I use; the source code here should be considered unstable until I have tested them all. While the only change is to change the message text in many programs this has the potential to push messages into the continuation character area so I need to test re-assembly of each one I have been changing.
In progress is a new file that will be available that will document every message number :-)

My Software

My KEY Automation tools

The following tools were written to make running my MVS 3.8J system more of a hands-off experience. We have

Some other Automation Tools

These are programs that are working, and I am using them. They are also however programs I intend to improve as time goes by.

Callable Utility Programs required by many of my programs

The programs in this section are programs that I call from my other programs, to the point that many of my utilities will not assemble unless you have these installed.

Assembler Macros

These are macros that are currently standalone, and do not require any of my current libraries. They are designed specifically for MVS3.8J

Demonstration programs

These are some code blocks/demos I had real trouble tracking down documentation on, so have started putting the resolutions to my issues all here.

Miscellaneous Usefull Stuff


Use at your own risk :-).

Linux utility programs

Not my software, but modified to work on 3.8J

CBT files and Xephon magizine articles converted to VS2

Archives, old mainframe stuff probably not found elsewhere

I have managed to recover some of the old FBA picture files that used to decorate the walls of computer centers. These are not as they once were as they have gone through multiple conversions between ebcdic and ascii (I was using them to practise prolog programming decades ago when that was the only viable printer layout language) and I found them on some low density 3.5 disks I was about to throw away.
To load them into my mvs3.8j system I had to write a script to take the 133 byte lines and split them to two lines, then after uploading those as 80 byte records had to write a quick 370asm to stich them back into 133 byte records, there were a few bytes dropped each time.

What is salvaged is here as an AWS tape image. The JCL to restore it onto your system is below.
The JCL to restore it onto your system and download the AWS virtual tape file