Adding a new APF Authorised Dataset to MVS3.8J

Step 1 - ensure there is a VATLSTnn entry for the volume

First you need to make sure the volume your load library is on is on a volume that is available at ipl time.

You need to make the volume your program library is on is in SYS1.PARMLIB(VATLST00) as a permanent/resident volume, the easiest way is to give your volume the same flags as the MVSRES volume, make sure the device type is correct also. The last field should be "N" to ensure the ssytem will IPL if the volume is not available; however if a dataset on the volume is to be APF authorised the volume must be available, which fortunately is not an issue running under hercules as if it is in the hercules configuration file it will be available.

Documentation on the parameters in the VATLST00 member is available at

To pick up changed in the VATLSTnn member you need to IPL, but do not do that yet.

Step 2 - add your program library in IEAAPFnn

Important: the last line must not have a ensing comma, all previous lines must have a trailing comma. Getting that wrong may prevent your system from IPLing.

It is important that your dataset be defined with the same DCB, your dataset should have been created with syntax similar to DCB=SYS1.LINKLIB and be on a disk volume of the same type; these entries are treated as concatenated datasets so must have identical values.

You will also note that SYS1.LINKLIB and SYS1.SVCLIB are not listed in the IEAAPFnn member, the operating system defined those as APF authorised, teh IEAAPFnn member is for additional entries to those two defaults.

So add your dataset to the end of the IEAAPF00 member with no comma at the end of it, and make sure you add a comma to the end of the dataset name on the line above.

To pick up changes to IEAAPF00 you need to IPL, but do not do so yet.

Step 3 - add your new dataset to the linklist (optional)

This is optional, but if this is to be a shared/system dataset it should be added to SYS1/PARMLIB(LNKLST00).

If it is a personal dataset you should not add it to the linklist but use a STEPLIB in your JCL every time you want to use your new APF authorised dataset.

Changed made to member LNKLST00 also need an IPL to be used.

Step 4 - IPL to pick up the changes

IPL your system, your new dataset is now an APF authorised dataset. If you have installed ny usermod to add additional console commands and the demo program to go with it a "D APF" will show your newly added dataset is APF authorised now; if you have not installed those you will have to go on faith.

Additional information

MVS3.8J likes its APF authorised programs to live in the first extent of a dataset, so ensure your dataset has a large first extent.

An important consideration is that MVS3.8J will correctly notice new programs added to the program library dataset while it is running, but if you compress the dataset MVS3.8J will not detect that and will try to load programs from the address in the file the program was located at before the compress moved it; or simply put your system will break. So if you compress a dataset anywhere in the linklist or apflist you must IPL as soon as possible after doing so.