ASKOPER - issue a WTOR and expect one of two replies

Function of the utility

This can be used in a batch job to issue a WTOR to the console, that requires one of two keywords to be accepted as a valid reply. Replying with keywork one returns RC=0000 and keyword two returns RC=0004.
So your following batch job steps can make use of the COND=xxx statement to run or not run depending on the reply entered.

The template for this program was the CBT249 overflow tape file 131 ASKOPER program. I modified that program as below

  1. if a (optional) SYSIN DD card exists then the first 50 bytes of each card image is WTO'ed to give additional info to the operator as to what the WTOR is for
  2. as I run "lights out" I have also added an extra parm which is a timer (in minutes), if there is no reply by an operator within parm minutes option two (RC=0004) will be used as the answer; if no timeout value is provided it defaults to 10 minutes. This is a change specific to my needs, as if my automation is running it can reply to the wtor with the first option, the second option in most cases would be a no/cancel which is the desired default if automation is not running as if it is not running the last thing you want is to start a job(s) that need automation
  3. Changed the program entry/exit code blocks to standard entry/exit code to stop SOC4 abends on program exit

Program Source

On the assumption this may be useful to someone, this is the source code for my modified version.