Category Archives: OpenStack

Installing OpenStack Ussuri in a multicompute node configuration in your home lab

This post covers installing from the RDO project documentation that can be found at, it uses the ‘packstack’ tool covered at with the main changes in this post being defining additional compute nodes plus installing heat support as … Continue reading

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OpenStack Magnum Container Infrastructure – My Tests

Summary of results: While OpenStack deploys all the necessary components to create a working infrastructure the available ‘atomic’ images just do not work. You end up with all the VMs and new private networking required in place, but the OS’s … Continue reading

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Installing the OpenStack Stein release from the RDO repositories

As you are I am sure all aware the OpenStack Stein release is available and documented on the RDO site now. While the “stein” release has been available for a while this post took a long time to prepare as … Continue reading

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Openstack Queens, my latest install from RDO

This post is based on the “queens” release of OpenStack available from the RDO distribution site. It is based upon the documentation available at, but modified to install the services I wish to play with which are not installed … Continue reading

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Laziness in accessing instances in my home OpenStack lab

I covered in an earlier post how to setup ssh as a proxy on a gateway server to access instances via that proxy, but as that would always connect to servers using my userid regardless of what external user connected … Continue reading

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Decided to finally have a look at “puppet”.

When I initially had issues with Puppet I also looked at “Chef” but my issues with Chef were that it needs a damn site more resources to run plus to download the main chef server component you have to go … Continue reading

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OpenStack Ocata install from the RDO repositories

Why a fresh install instead of an upgrade ? I gave up on trying to upgrade from Newton to Ocata using the RDO repositories. The upgrade instructions have now been updated for the Ocata release in the RDO documentation web … Continue reading

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OpenStack – I am stuck on Newton for now

Issues with upgrading from Newton to Ocata have made me hold off upgrading to Ocata, I did make a few attempts. Attempt One After a normal upgrade from Newton to Ocata there were errors in the logs saying the placement … Continue reading

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RDO OpenStack disk space usage, Newton release

This is for those of you who have installed the RDO release using the default loopback device for cinder volume storage and swift storage. It is a brief set of notes I will refer back to myself on where the … Continue reading

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Openstack:Upgrade from Mitaka to Newton was a pain, but completed

The expected issues with a systemwide update where rabbitmq-server and all the erlang packages have to be removed before the update and re-installed afterward; but that was the only real issue (if you exclude the minor detail that config files … Continue reading

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