What a disasterous morning, motivation dropped to zero

Was going to go to Carterton to make sure I can find the park the ballons launch from on Friday. But google maps showed me it’s off the main road so didn’t bother; besides going through featherston too often might upset someone. Printed off the google map.

Decided to get some photos off the camera. And as it had been around 3mths since I recharged the batteries decided to recharge both the cameras. My main camera has the charger in the camera case so no problem there. It took me almost an hour to find the charger for the second camera, was panicing for a while there. It will happen again as I carry that camera around in my pocket in a small camera case that is too small to carry the charger around with it. I could get a larger case, but then be unable to carry it around in my pocket; so I’m probably going to lose that charger again.

Anyway, getting the photos off the camera. Looks like I need to but a new SD card reader, it couldn’t read the card. Grabbed the one out of my laptop bag to use and thats dead as well (card readers from stationary warehouse last about four uses, the last one took about 20 uses but thats because the SD slot kept a SD ‘sleeve’ in it and I was inserting the microsd into that instead of the reader itself helped it last longer). Wonder if the camera has a USB interface anywhere I can use to get the photographs off, but then I don’t want to go poking cables in/out of a camera that cost more than most of my PCs.

I’m starting to realise why the laptop bag is getting so heavy, that little side pocket has from a quick check as well as the SD reader, my personal battery powered vodaphone network router (that I keep topped up and may even use one day if vodaphone has coverage in any area I want to use it), a 1tb portable USB powered drive, mouse, headphone+voice set (removed, havn’t used it in a long time), an unpowered USB hub, a powered USB hub (pointless in portable kit, also removed), the power cable and believe it or not a USB powered light stick so I can read things in the dark.

But the point of this post is as pointless as the day has been. All I have achieved is to finally recharge the batteries for two cameras (that after 3mths were still both > 50% charged, according to the cameras anyway).

Motivation zero. Can’t even be bothered to work on the assembler code thats been challenging me lately. Trying to get motivated to play a computer game. But my doggies asleep on my lap and I don’t want to wake him up to go get one. Likewise all my unwatched videos are out of reach without standing up and waking him.

He’s in a real deep sleep, for a change not even snoring today (he has a cute and loud snore), but his ears and legs are twitching so he’s dreaming of chasing something :-).

About mark

At work, been working on Tandems for around 30yrs (programming + sysadmin), plus AIX and Solaris sysadmin also thrown in during the last 20yrs; also about 5yrs on MVS (mainly operations and automation but also smp/e work). At home I have been using linux for decades. Programming background is commercially in TAL/COBOL/SCOBOL/C(Tandem); 370 assembler(MVS); C, perl and shell scripting in *nix; and Microsoft Macro Assembler(windows).
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