Never believe what you read in the newspapers

Yesterday the website said there would be up to 140Kph winds today, and tomorrow even a chance of snow overnight on the rimutakas making them possible impassible. Even the metservice site indicated today and tomorrow would be windy.

I was supposed to head over to the wiarapa today, but I cancelled that because of the supposed bad weather.

Well there was a bit of wind this morning, a lot of rain. So I thought they might be correct. Popped out to do the grocery shopping and promised the doggie I would spend the day with him instead.

The b*st*rds were wrong. By 11:00am there was zero wind, zero rain, sunny blue skys; I could have gone. It’s four weeks since I was last there and I promised to drop off some more books. This weekend was probably my only chance in a while as well.

Cannot go next weekend; Armageddon expo 2014 is running in Wellington then. I was just going to get a three day pass to that from tiketek… now I’m tossing up whether to just rely on door sales each of the three days. Will have to decide by Monday as after that it would be too late to get tiketek tickets delivered anyway. And thinking about it I may lose interest being there on my own for three days anyway.

Still it was pretty windy and rainy when I got the groceries this morning, swung past the beach and immediately wished I had taken the waterproof camera with me; I had had it in my hand, then put it back in the drawer as I was just going to the shops; stupid me. It’s normally in the glove box but I took it out of the car to charge it.

Anyway the wind had really whipped up the waves and the surfers were going out. Had to use the rather expensive non-waterproof camera I always carry, and rain got into everything, ruined a few shots with raindrops on the lens as well. I think I managed to wipe the lens clean before powering it off; but now it’s sitting powered on on a table with the telephoto lens fully extended hoping all the water that got into that mechanism will dry… oops wrong, it detected inactivity, drew back in the lens, and dropped the metal shutters back over the lens.

Probably be a few months before I get around to getting the pictures off the card in the camera so not sure why I really bothered.

But on a completely unrelated subject… I have just achieved a personal first, chopped up a bunch of fresh chillies to go in my dinner and for the first time ever I remembered to wash my hands before rubbing my eyes. That has never happened before, and will probably never happen again.

About mark

At work, been working on Tandems for around 30yrs (programming + sysadmin), plus AIX and Solaris sysadmin also thrown in during the last 20yrs; also about 5yrs on MVS (mainly operations and automation but also smp/e work). At home I have been using linux for decades. Programming background is commercially in TAL/COBOL/SCOBOL/C(Tandem); 370 assembler(MVS); C, perl and shell scripting in *nix; and Microsoft Macro Assembler(windows).
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